April Snow II


"April Snow II " is a captivating photographic masterpiece that immerses viewers in the serene beauty of a winter wonderland during an unexpected snowstorm in April. This enchanting scene portrays a dense forest where majestic, towering trees stand resilient in their coats of soft, powdery snow. The tranquility of this moment is mirrored in the calm body of water at the forefront, capturing the trees and softly falling snowflakes in its glass-like surface. This reflection adds an ethereal dimension to the landscape, enhancing its dreamlike quality.

The photograph radiates a sense of peace and harmony, inviting viewers to pause and appreciate the simple yet profound elegance of nature in its frozen state. The interplay of light, the crispness of the winter air, and the gentle hush of snowfall invite contemplation and inspire a deep connection to the natural world.

This piece encourages the viewer to immerse themselves in its picturesque scene, allowing the serene landscape to evoke feelings of calm and wonder within.

This photograph is printed on Hahnemühle fine art paper with a white border and is available as a Limited Edition Fine Art Print.

Print is 15” x 20” - Edition of 15 $400

All prints are hand signed by the artist, numbered and are accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity with a matching hologram.

Larger Sizes also available. (Please enquire.)

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Select images are available via  SaatchiArt 

For more information or to purchase, please contact me

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April Snow
Off the Beaten Path
Chemin Ste. Elizabeth
April Snowstorm
The Farm